Got questions?
See our answers to Frequently Asked Questions below.
If a question isn't covered, please email funwalk@stchristophers.org.uk and our lovely team will be happy to help.
Why do I need to fundraise as well as pay for entry?
Your entry fee goes towards the costs of putting on the event. Whereas your fundraising will go direct to the services we provide to our patients and thier families.
Did you know the hospice only receives 33% of their funding from the NHS? The rest - equivalent to £16million - needs to be raised by our generous community, people like you!
The money you raise will help change the lives of our patients and their families when they need it most:
• £60 will fund a physio session to help with breathlessness
• £157 will cover the cost of a St Christopher’s nurse for a day
• £1,324 will buy a syringe pump to administer pain relief for a patient
What time does it start and finish?
The Fun Walk starts from 8am, but you can do your walk at any time.
It is essential that walkers on the 8 mile or 11 mile walk start between 8am and 12 noon.
Walkers on the 3 and 5 miles can start between 8am and 3pm.
The event village where you start and finish your walk will close at 6pm.
Can I bring my dog?
Of course! We hope your pooch has a great time too! Some routes will pass through public footways on private land, some of which may have horses in on the day, so please be responsible and keep your dog on a lead when appropriate.
How do I get there? Parking & Public Transport
There is no parking at Keston Common and spaces in the surrounding area are extremely limited.
Free Fun Walk Shuttle
Buses will be picking up walkers from Bromley South Station, and the park and ride bus stop at Norman Park, and taking walkers to the event village at Keston Common. Further details to come.
TFL Buses
There is also the regular 146 bus service which serves Bromley North, Hayes and Bromley South and the 246 which serves Bromley North, South, Hayes, Biggin Hill and Westerham. This is a Transport for London service so would be subject to usual fares.
Will there be toilets?
Yes. Toilets will be available on Keston Common and at Keston Ponds, which all routes pass through.
Is there disabled parking?
We don’t have facilities for any parking, however if you would like to drop a passenger we would happily look after them while you go and park your car.
What if I want to change which route I do?
That's not a problem. Maps will be provided with each route, choose the one which feels right for you on the day.
Is there food and drink?
Yes, there will be lots of street food stalls which cater to all dietary needs at the start/finish area, as well as extra refreshments & snacks at some of the marshal points.
There will also be refill stations for reusable water bottles.
What is there to entertain me?
Live music on the main stage, throughout the route and at Keston Ponds.
Children’s games, bouncy castles and more at the event village.
Each marshal point you pass along your route will be fun and interactive!
We will have our beautiful memory tree along the route, for you to write a message and hang on the tree. You are welcome to bring a photo along with you, which you can attach to your heart. All routes pass the Memory Tree.
Everything be in your Fun Walk map so you won't miss anything on the day
How do I sign in on the day?
Head to Keston Common, near the Greyhound Pub and go to the Registration Tent.
Bring with you the email that confirmed your registration.
Once signed in, you will receive the map and instructions to begin your walk
It is essential that walkers on the 8 mile or 11 mile walk start between 8am and 12 noon.
Walkers on the 3 and 5 start between 8am and 3pm.
What shall I bring?
We advise to bring:
- Your confirmation email
- Walking shoes
- Sun cream
- A refillable water bottle (there are places to refill throughout)
- Snacks
- The whole family!
Please keep an eye on the weather forecast and dress accordingly.
Is the route wheelchair/buggy friendly?
Our routes pass through fields with stiles, country paths and woodlands, so unfortunately it isn't suitable for wheelchairs and buggys. However, the event village at Keston Common has tons of activities and entertainment for all to enjoy. You do not need to register to walk to enjoy the event village.
Do I have to follow the map?
There will be marshal points along every route run by wonderful volunteers, ensuring you are heading in the right direction and cheering you on.
There will be NEW colour coded signage along every corresponding route, as well as written instructions in your walker map. Ensure you are following the correct colour signage for your walk, as there are points where the routes meet and split.
How do I get my t-shirts?
T-shirts will be available to collect from both the Sydenham and Orpington St Christopher's sites.
Collection dates will be announced soon.
T-shirts will also be available to buy on the day.
We love to see you personalise your t-shirts with the names of those you walk in memory of, so we advice ordering t-shirts in advance.
It is not essential you wear a Fun Walk t shirt, lots of people like to wear fancy dress!
How do I fundraise?
There's lots of ways to get sponsorship for Fun Walk. Here are our top 5:
- Hold a bake sale - download our pack here: Bake a Difference - St Christopher's Hospice
- Share your fundraising page link on social media, whatsapp and in your email signature
- Ask your work for matched funding
- Commit to walking in a silly costume if you raise a certain amount
- Hold a fundraiser at your local hall or pub with live music or a quiz
For more support, ask our amazing Fundraising Team at communityfundraising@stchristophers.org.uk
How do I add someone to my team?
How do I give you any money raised offline (cash & cheques)?
If you recieve cash sponsorship, we would love you to pay this onto your fundraising page. Alternatively, you can bring cash or cheques to the hospice within office hours, or bring along with you on the day and pay in at the registration tent.
I would like to volunteer on the day, can I help?
YES! We rely on our amazing volunteers to make the Fun Walk possible. If you would like to volunteer on the day, or help setting up/packing down the event, please get in touch. Email volunteering@stchristophers.org.uk